MONUMENTS & MARKERS By admin On December 18, 2017 A number of historical monuments, markers and documents refer to 17th Century locations and events in the Sowams Heritage Area. Baptist Church Marker at Nockum Hill, Barrington Roger Williams Spring, East Providence Myles Garrison Site, Swansea Bourne Garrison Site, Swansea Cahoon Brickworks, Swansea Hugh Cole Well, Warren Wannamoisett Marker, East Providence Massasoit Spring, Barrington Massasoit Spring, Warren Royal Charter of 1663, Providence Town of Warren Land Acknowledgement marker Burr’s Hill Royal Pokanoket Burial Site Sacred Circle Monument at Massasoit Park Early Warren and the start of King Philip’s War Early Bristol – 17th Century Beginnings Mt. Hope Farm historic marker Newman Church and the Ring of the Green Osamequin Nature Preserve and Bird Sanctuary