History of the Royal Pokanoket Burial Site in Warren, RI described

One of two Royal Pokanoket Burial Grounds in Southeastern New England was established in the 16th century in today’s Warren, RI, at what is now Burr’s Hill Park. The site has a long history of disturbance of the burials starting with the construction of the Providence, Warren and Bristol Railroad in 1854 and ending with the excavation of the remaining graves in 1913 by Charles Carr. Over 600 items taken from the graves were gathered by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and returned to the site for reburial in 2017. Included among those items are believed to be some belonging to the Massasoit Osamequin who died in 1661. A monument to Osamequin now sits atop the reburial site in the Park. Click here for a 21-minute video presentation about the history of the site.

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