The Seekonk Land Conservation Trust has created a fabulous walking trail that begins behind the Newman YMCA and Seekonk Town Hall, goes through deep woods, and crosses the Runnins River before opening out onto Arcade Avenue. The trail comes close to what the woods must have been like in the 17th century in this region before Europeans began to clear the land for lumber and farming. In 2010, the Seekonk Town Meeting approved the purchase of 4.3 acres using Community Preservation Committee’s funds. The purchase of the land was made in order to connect the trails behind the Newman YMCA and Town Hall to the Turner Reservoir Loop trails. In 2015, the town Meeting approved the use of Community Preservation Committee dollars for the trail construction. The trail goes through the marshland and upland forest on this parcel before reaching Arcade Avenue where the sidewalk can be used to reach the Turner Reservoir Loop trails. A pedestrian bridge crossing the Runnins River was constructed to connect to the parcel purchased in 2010. The trail can be easily accessed from the back of the Newman YMCA at 472 Taunton Avenue (Route 44), Seekonk, MA. Click here for more.