May 2020

Settler Colonization and Indian Slavery in 17th Century Sowams

The goal of the English was to colonize New England by acquiring full or partial political control over Native societies and territories, founding a colony, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.  Compared to other settlements on the East Coast of America, this was relatively easy to do in New England because of the […]

History of the Royal Pokanoket Burial Site in Warren, RI described

One of two Royal Pokanoket Burial Grounds in Southeastern New England was established in the 16th century in today’s Warren, RI, at what is now Burr’s Hill Park. The site has a long history of disturbance of the burials starting with the construction of the Providence, Warren and Bristol Railroad in 1854 and ending with […]

On-line tour of Leiden includes a correction of the Thanksgiving story

The Leiden400 organization offered a four-hour on-line tour of locations and museums linked to the Pilgrims on May 16, 2020 in lieu of the original planned live tour that had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Jori Zijlmans, Curator of the Museum de Lakenhal, speaking about the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth said at  “. . […]