Honoring Indigenous People at the Providence Honk Festival

Indigenous People’s Day was recognized on October 14, 2019, during Providence Honk, a festival that included Land Acknowledgement, Indigenous Artist Blessing and Performance and a Peoples’ Ribbon Cutting and Torch Procession across the Pedestrian Footbridge in downtown Providence. Darlene Monroe of the Narragansett Nation spoke before Raymond Two Hawks Watson, Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug […]

Neutaconkanut Hill Festival hosts guided hikes and Native storytelling and song

The 11th Annual  Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy Fall Festival on Neutaconkanut Hill was held on October 12, 2019, from Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Hilltop Meadow on Legion Memorial Drive. Members of the Providence Police Department Mounted Unit rode two Clydesdales onto the Meadow where people are gathered to hear music by Michael Wendoloski and roast marshmallows over […]

Archaeologist Erin Flynn talks about the early history of Swansea, MA

Public Archaeology Laboratory Project Archaeologist Erin Flynn spoke about her work in and around Swansea, MA to members the Swansea Historical Society on October 9, 2019. Historical Society president Carl Becker introduced Erin, who grew up in Swansea, to the Society members at one of their monthly meetings held at Christ Church in Swansea. Erin […]

Sowams Project presented at the Massasoit Historical Association in Warren

The 18th century Maxwell House on Water Street in Warren, RI was the venue for a presentation on the Sowams Heritage Area Project by Coordinator Dave Weed on October 8, 2019. Dr. Weed began by describing how the remains of the Massasoit Ousamequin, who met the Pilgrims in 1621, were returned to an ancient royal Pokanoket […]

Pokanokets and Pilgrims presentation at Watchemoket Square Day in East Providence

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Laura McNamara introduced Dr. David Weed at the first event of the Watchemoket Square Day in the Tockwotton Theatre. He gave a 45-minute talk about the relationship between the Pokanoket Tribe and the English Pilgrims during the 17th century that supported half a century of peace. Weed talked […]

Sowams Project presented at Heritage State Park in Fall River

Visitor Services Supervisor and Rhode Island College Adjunct Professor of Communication, Jim Lopes, (left) invited Dr. David Weed, Project Coordinator for the Sowams Heritage Area to speak at the Heritage State Park “Lunch Meets Lecture” series on October 2, 2019. Dr. Weed spoke in the Visitor’s Center auditorium for about an hour about the Project […]

Big Drum Powwow wraps up first day at Roger Williams Memorial

The Roger Williams National Memorial in Providence, Rhode Island on September 28th and 29th, was the venue of the annual Big Drum Powwow, the culmination of the annual New England Native American Culture Week. It is hosted by Eastern Medicine Cultural LLC, in conjunction with sponsors, National Park Service and the Rhode Island State Council of the […]

Day-long “Roger Was Here” Seminar held at Smith’s Castle

A day-long seminar on the life and works of Roger Williams and the continued relevance of his ideas was held at Smith’s Castle in North Kingston, RI, on September 28, 2019. Author, Educator and Director of the Tomaquag Museum in Exeter, RI, Lorén Spears, offers an Indigenous blessing in word and song at the start […]