Big Drum Powwow wraps up first day at Roger Williams Memorial

The Roger Williams National Memorial in Providence, Rhode Island on September 28th and 29th, was the venue of the annual Big Drum Powwow, the culmination of the annual New England Native American Culture Week. It is hosted by Eastern Medicine Cultural LLC, in conjunction with sponsors, National Park Service and the Rhode Island State Council of the Arts. Click here for a three-minute video of the last drum on Saturday. The Eastern Medicine Singers performed the last drum on the first day of the two-day event. The group is made up of Rhode Island, New Your, New Jersey and Southeastern Massachusetts tribes. Raymond Two Hawks Watson, Neesu Wushuwunoag, Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe and Tonay Gooday of the White Mountain Apache Tribe in Arizona joined in the last dance of the afternoon. Click here for a three-minute video.

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