Assistant Library Director Jackie O’Brien and Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator David Weed pose for a photo with one of two paintings by artist Ruth Major on display at the Rogers Free Library in Bristol, RI. One is of the Massasoit Ousamequin and the other is of the Sowams winter settlement where the Massasoit lived in 1620. Click here for a 7-minute video description of the paintings.
The Rogers Library on Hope Street in downtown Bristol is a mecca for people throughout the East Bay and will provide a good opportunity for people to see the paintings up close. Sowams Heritage Area brochures, a booklet describing the Sowams village painting, a booklet about the Pokanoket Tribe, and a sheet about the Ousamequin painting will be available to look at.
Library custodian Paul Wheeler prepared the space and provided the easels for the two paintings so they could be displayed just inside the front door of the Library so everyone will see them as they come in the front door.
Ms. O’brien and Mr. Wheeler move the large painting of Ousamequin into place where it will remain from August 11th through September 2nd.