Palmer Elementary School learns about the Pokanoket Tribe

Six third grade classes at the Palmer Elementary School in Rehoboth, MA, were treated to a presentation on the history and culture of the Pokanoket Tribe by Tribe members on March 15, 2019. The hour-long educational event was sponsored by the Rhode Island Council on the Humanities. Click here for a 20-minute video of the presentation.

Sagamore William Guy tells the children that he is the 10th generation descendant of the Massasoit Osamequn who welcomed the Pilgrims in Plymouth in 1621. Click here for a 20-minute video of the presentation.

The Sagamore talks with third grade teacher Karen Salois who invited the Tribe before the men begin the session with drumming.


Tribe member Rainbow Heart talks about the role of women in the tribe while the Sagamore tells the students more of the Tribe’s history.

Council President Deborah “Running Deer” Afdasta leads the women in a dance and then gets the students to join her.


Deborah holds the microphone as Stand Alone Woman tells a story about the turtle before the Sagamore shows students a dream catcher.

Deborah leads all of the third grade students in a giant friendship dance around the cafeteria as the program comes to a close.

Click here for a 20-minute video of the presentation.