Participants in the August 25th Meetup group at Mt. Hope had a chance to meet with and listen Pokanoket Sagamore William Guy as he related the history of his tribe during the 17th century, as well as to ask him questions. Click here for a 36-minute video of the session.
(Above left) Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator David Weed led off the two-hour session by summarizing the differences between the Pokanoket Tribe and the Plymouth Pilgrims which ultimately ended in the King Philip Conflict of 1675-1676 and the attempted genocide of the indigenous people. (Above right) Rev. Dr. Charles Hartman, seated right, clarifies some of the religious differences between the two populations.
Pokanoket Tribe Sagamore Winds of Thunder takes a question from one of the twenty people who gathered at the Massasoit’s Seat or Potumtuk, the sacred location from which Metacomet or “King Philip” led the Pokanoket Tribe between 1661 and 1675.