Massasoit descendant Zerviah Mitchell sought to address wrongs

(Above) Charlotte Mitchell, circled in red, represented the descendants of the Massasoit Ousamequin at a 1907 ceremony in Warren, RI to dedicate the Massasoit Spring. Charlotte’s mother, Zerviah, who passed away in 1898, published a book in 1878 “to make record of the wrongs . . . which have been endured by my race.” Standing to her right is her husband, Alanzo, and behind her is noted Warren historian Virginia Baker who wrote extensively about the early history of Warren.

(Above) A portrait of Zerviah Gould Mitchell, who published the book Indian history, biography and genealogy pertaining to the good sachem Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe, and his descendants is shown next to one of the author, Ebenezer Peirce, and one of the house in Assonet Village (now the site of St. Bernard’s Catholic Church) where Plymouth Colony militia assembled preparatory to making war on Awashonks in Sakonnet, RI.

(Above) Zerviah Mitchell, who died in 1898, and her daughters, Charlotte and Melinda, are shown in an early photo and in portraits that appear in the book.


(Above) The group including Charlotte Mitchell (see top photo) assembled in front of the Joyce Street School in Warren, RI for a photo following the dedication of the Massasoit Spring (photo, right).