
How animals were regarded in 17th century Sowams

Although Europeans placed all nonhuman creatures into a generic category of animals, Indians may instead have conceived of animals only as distinct species without a generic term for “animals.” European cattle were often seen as wild animals and treated as such by the Indigenous population as described in this Colonial Society narrative. In 17th-century America, livestock […]

Life at Colonial Harvard: The Archaeological Evidence

Harvard University’s 1650 charter founded a multicultural educational setting when it committed the new institution “to the education of the English and Indian Youth of this Country in knowledge and godliness.” Join Diana Loren and Patricia Capone in a 35-minute video presentation of the Harvard Yard Archaeology Project’s findings to date, including printing type from the […]

Reimagining Museums: Disruption and Change

  As museums have acknowledged their legacy as colonial institutions, many have reimagined their mission as agents of decolonization and social justice. The pandemic disruption, the Black Lives Matter movement, and other community issues are driving still more rapid and drastic changes and providing opportunities for reflection and growth. How can American museums—especially those that […]

Roger Mowry Tavern, once a 17th century Providence landmark

Roger Mowry (Morey) born on 16 May 1610 in Drimpton, Dorset, England. He emigrated to America in 1628 on the ship Abigail, lived in Boston, Plymouth, and Salem, Massachusetts and later moved to Providence, Rhode Island where he built a house and a tavern in about 1653 in a uniquely Rhode Island style known as Stone ender that had been known […]

Watchemoket Square plans announced in East Providence

The City of East Providence announced steps toward advancing the development of the City’s waterfront and planning for district enhancements in the form of branding and placemaking of the district, with way finding, public art, street scape enhancements and related multi-modal improvements to serve to enhance, unify and support the overall viability of the waterfront […]

Money in Colonial America in the Seventeenth Century

Arizona State University History Professor Jonathan Barth reviews the history of money in 17th century colonial America in this 24-minute YouTube video. Professor Barth reviewed the various alternative commodity monies that were used in New England in the 17th century before England authorized the use of paper money. Tobacco was one of the first commodities used […]

Discovering Maine’s 16th Century through Archaeology

On this 21-minute YouTube video, explore southern Maine’s 16th century history through archaeology with this May, 2020 program presented on the Brick Store Museum’s 16th Century Saturday Series, supported by the Maine Humanities Council, and sponsored by Kennebunk Savings and Maine 200  (Left) A 1605 map of the Saco River along the Maine coast done by […]

The Puritans and the development of New England in the 17th century

History professor Christian Jardine describes the Puritans and how they influenced the development of New England in the 17th century in this 47-minute YouTube video. He continues his presentation in Part 2 on a 50-minute video and in Part 3 on a 40-minute video.

Williams Blackstone and the early settlement of Pawtucket, RI

A 28-year-old ordained Anglican priest, William Blackstone, left England in 1623 to join the Wessagusset colony (now Weymouth) but by 1625 had left for today’s Boston Harbor and the Shawmut Peninsula. (Left) Blackstone is pictured riding his white bull upon which it is said he often traveled while reading his books. He built a house on […]

Native American History Of Massachusetts – Episode 1

The latest research and discoveries about the Paleolithic forebears of Massachusetts, through the Archaic and Late Archaic periods. Massachusetts is one of the richest places in North America for Paleo and Archaic settlements. Written and narrated by RG Cachat-Schilling, this 26-minute video examines the history of Native occupants of Massachusetts over the Paleo-to-Agro period, 14,000-2,000 yrs. BP. […]