
Sowams paintings now on display at the Blanding Library in Rehoboth

Two paintings by artist Ruth Major were placed on display at the Blanding Free Public Library in Rehoboth, MA on January 18, 2022, as part of the Sowams Heritage Area Project. One depicts the Pokanoket Massasoit Ousamequin, who welcomed the Pilgrims in 1621, and the other depicts one of his winter villages. In the photo […]

National Heritage Area Program Manager meets with Dr. Weed

Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed met with Region 1 National Heritage Area Program Manager Peter Samuel by Zoom on January 13, 2022. This is their second meeting and comes as the Project is about to take on the task of creating a feasibility study in preparation for an application to the National Park Service for designation […]

Barrington Town Council adopts Land Acknowledgement

The Barrington Town Council unanimously voted to adopt a Land Acknowledgement statement on December 6, 2021. Councilors Jacob Brier and Annelise Conway introduced the measure that will require the statement to be read at the beginning of all future Council meetings. The statement reads: “We recognize the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous […]

Land Acknowledgement marker installed at Warren Town Hall

American Indian Study Committee members Wendy Brennen, Deb Jobin,  John Mensinger, Jacque Russom, Rock Singewald, and David Weed were joined by Pokanoket Sagamore William Guy and Sachem Tracey Brown as well as Town Council President Keri Cronin and Councilor Steve Calanda in front of the newly-installed Land Acknowledgement marker. The Town Council voted for what […]

Business forum makes the economic case for a Sowams Heritage Area

The Sowams Heritage Area Project, Inc. sponsored a Business Forum on the Economic Development Case for establishing a National Sowams Heritage Area held at the East Providence Public Library on October 27, 2021.Participants in the Forum included Blackstone Valley Tourism Council President Robert Billington, RI Tourism Director Mark Brodeur , and Kristen Adamo, Pres. & […]

Sowams paintings now displayed at the Barrington Library

Two paintings by artist Ruth Major were placed on display at the Barrington Public Library October 6, 2021. Sowams Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed and Recreation and Senior Services Director Michele Gousie Geremia stand next to one depicting the Massasoit Ousamequin and in front of the other depicting the the settlement where […]

Wampanoags visit the Bassetlaw Museum in Retford, England

Four members of the Wampanoag Tribe visited the Bassetlaw Museum in Retford, England in preparation for events from September 21-25, 2021 as part of the Museum’s Plymouth 400 celebration. In preparation for the visit, they constructed a wetu on the grounds of the Museum, the first time such a structure has ever been built in […]

Puritan social gospel and the City on a Hill with Francis Bremmer

Amid the many discussions of whether John Winthrop’s call for the Massachusetts Colony to be a “city on a hill” was a claim for exceptionalism for themselves and a future America, not enough attention has been paid to what a “city on a hill” really meant in 17th-century New England. This talk by Dr. Francis […]

National American Indian Museum Visitor Services Specialist assists with search of Sowams artifacts

National American Indian Museum Visitor Services Specialist Melissa Bisagni was helpful in identifying dozens of Indigenous artifacts in their collection that originated in Sowams. Items from Bristol, Barrington, East Providence, Providence and Warren, RI that have been in the collection can be found by searching their on-line database. These items included glass beads, ornament fragments, brass spoons, pestles, cooking pots, pipe […]