
Keith Morton leads a group to Margaret's Rock

Providence College American Studies Department Chair Keith Morton led a group of eight people on a walk to Margaret’s Cave, the place where Roger Williams was sheltered during the winter of 1636 before going on to Omega Pond. The group included Lende McMullen and Elissa Tardiff of the Carpenter Museum in Rehoboth and Steve Greenleaf of the East Providence Historical […]

Sowams Heritage Area featured on cable TV show

TV9 Seekonk Production Assistant Kevin Vidinha and Executive Director Cody Peixoto worked with local historian Dave Norton to produce a half-hour show specifically about the Sowams Heritage Area Project. Dave, who has his own “Discovering New England History” show on that same channel, agreed to host the special segment in preparation for the September 9th […]

Dave Norton explores King Philip War sites

King Philip War historian and producer of the Discovering Historic New England TV9 cable news program in Seekonk, Dave Norton, revealed several sites in East Providence that Sowams Heritage Area Cooridnator Dave Weed did not know about. Based on research that Norton recently discovered, he was able to locate the place on the Seekonk River […]

Town representatives form initial Steering Committee

Representatives of seven of the eight participating communities in the Sowams Heritage Area Project met for the first time to talk about the upcoming launch event in September. People from Bristol, Barrington, East Providence, Providence, Seekonk, Swansea, and Warren convened at the Barrington Public Library to discuss strategies for making a public announcement about the […]

Pokanoket Tribe members tell campers about their history

Members of the Pokanoket Tribe, led by Sagamore William Guy, told campers from Camp Wetu at Mount Hope Farm about their history and culture at an hour-long session at Potumtuk during their “Time Travel” week. Tribe members introduced themselves and offered a prayer in their native language before relating their history. After looking over some of […]

Carolyn Westgate invites Pokanoket Women to Teach Bead Work

Roger Williams University senior, Carolyn Westgate, invited Starlight and BlueShell of the Pokanoket Tribe to teach bead work to campers at Camp Wetu at Mount Hope Farm. Carolyn has worked with the tribe for several years and is familiar with the many things that the Tribe can teach her campers. Carolyn plans to concentrate on […]

Sowams Project Team Members Greg Spiess and Carl Ferreira meet

Carl Ferreira of Bristol and Greg Spiess of Warren had a chance to meet each other face-to-face for the first time at the Coffee Depot in Warren. Both Sowams Heritage Area Project Team Members have been working on different aspects of the project but hadn’t had a chance ot meet in person until today. Carl […]

Davison Bolster tells children about Massasoit at Burr's Hill Park

Local historian Davison Bolster spoke to about thirty children at the Warren Recreation Department summer program at Burr’s Hll Park in Warren, RI. The Park is the location where over 600 items taken from 42 Aboriginal graves in 1913 were re-interred in May of 2017. Bolster talked about how American Aboriginal people lived and how […]

Nancy & Carl Ferreira Connect with the Pokanoket Tribe

Nancy Fallon and Carl Ferreira, seen here at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI, with Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator Dave Weed, have been getting to know members of the Pokanoket Tribe and recently participated in the annual Strawberry Festival on the grounds of Mt. Hope Farm in Bristol. Carl is also interested in Aboriginal stone […]

First 17th Century MeetUp Gathers at the Roger Williams Memorial

Rev. Dr. Charles Hartman gave a 45-minute presentation on Roger Williams at the Roger Williams Memorial on North Main Street in Providence on June 24, 2018. The presentation was the first in the 17th Century Rhode Island MeetUp events scheduled for the summer of 2018.  He described how Williams left England in 1630 came initially to Boston, Plymouth and Salem […]