
17th Century MeetUp group visits Hipses Rock and the Ochee Spring Soapstone Quarry

Hipses Rock, marking the Providence-Johnson border, was described in 1904 by Sidney Rider in The Lands of Rhode Island as “the ‘most western’ bound fixed ‘in his own person’ by Miantinomi to the lands Deeded to Roger Williams. According to Rider, “the name Hipses came probably from the Latin word Hesperius, meaning towards the west, or the […]

Christine DeLucia talks about place, heritage & caretaking in Native & colonial New England

Williams College History Professor Christine DeLucia, speaking to a capacity crowd at the Little Compton Community Center on July 25, 2019, described “the confluence of longstanding Native places with colonial ones and its influence on shaping how we remember and honor it, inviting us into a better/greater understanding and acknowledgement of its complex and challenging history.” […]

Pokanokets come to Camp Wetu at Mount Hope Farm

Members of the Pokanoket Tribe came to Camp Wetu at Mount Hope Farm on July 22, 2019 to teach leather craft and to share some of their traditional stories and dances.In the first hour, campers were taught how to make a leather pouch using sinew to sew it together. Click here for the web page […]

Pokanoket leather workshop at Mt. Hope Farm’s Camp Wetu

Pokanoket Tribe members Blue Shell, Hawkswanee and Two Deers taught a group of children at Camp Wetu how to make a leather pouch, similar to what American Indians may have made. Camp Director Carolyn Westgate and her camp counselors gathered the children at the Education Center where materials for the workshop were laid out. After […]

Funding awarded by RWU for an Early Bristol interpretive sign

The Roger Williams University Fund for Civic Activities awarded the First Congregational Church in Bristol a $2,500 grant in June, 2019, to design and install an historic interpretive marker in front of the Church, the first in a series of markers within the Sowams Heritage Area. Once completed following a review by the Bristol Historic and Preservation Society […]

Annual Strawberry Moon Thanksgiving celebrated at Mt. Hope

Over 300 members of the Pokanoket Tribe and guests came together on June 23, 2019 at Cove Cabin on Mt. Hope Farm in Bristol, RI, to celebrate the annual Strawberry Moon Thanksgiving. The afternoon event included drumming, dancing and food, including lots of fresh strawberries. Chiefs from half a dozen tribes who are part of the Federation of […]

Prospect Terrace celebrates Roger Williams reburial after 80 years

Neighbors and City officials gathered at Prospect Terrace on June 18, 2019 where a statue of Roger Williams overlooks downtown Providence to celebrate the restoration of the Terrance and the 80th anniversary of the reburial of Roger Williams remains at the park. City Parks and Recreation Superintendent Wendy Nilsson welcomed about 75 people to the […]

Buddhist Peace Walk visits Mt. Hope and Massasoit Memorial

As part of a month-long Peace Walk, members of the New England Peace Pagoda met with members of the Pokanoket Tribe on June 17, 2019 at the marker where Metacomet was slain at Mt. Hope in 1676 at the close of the King Philip War. The group chanted prayers at the Metacomet Marker before the Sagamore shared the history of the Tribe since […]