
Land acknowledgement mural depicts the tribes of Mount Hope in Providence

A colorful mural on the Billy Taylor Park overpass on Cypress Street in Providence depicts the story of the Narragansett and Pokanoket tribes who lived there long before the area was known as Mount Hope. Depicted on the mural are brothers Lee Braveheart and Harry the Hawk Edmonds, currently in their 80s, as well as Chief […]

Wampanoag Life Ways with Darius Coombs

Darius Coombs is Mashpee Wampanoag and has deep family ties to both Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. On September 4, 2019, he spoke about Wampanoag life ways, the maritime skills that connected the islands with the mainland, and historical events throughout the 17th century. The daily life of these communities was similar and they shared a […]

Burr's Hill Park event promotes Sowams Heritage Area

People attending the popular Labor Day Weekend Family Fun Day held at Burr’s Hill Park in Warren, RI, were offered the opportunity to learn about the Sowams Heritage Area at a display manned by Project Coordinator David Weed. Dozens of people who live in Warren near the Park were able to learn about the reburial […]

Meetup group visits Mt. Hope and the Massasoit’s Seat

Participants in the August 25th Meetup group at Mt. Hope had a chance to meet with and listen to Pokanoket Sagamore William Guy (Winds of Thunder) as he related the history of his tribe during the 17th century, as well as to ask him questions. Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator David Weed led off the […]

Sturgeon Full Moon walk at Mount Hope Farm

About thirty people had a chance to get a brief glimpse of the Sturgeon Full Moon as it rose in a cloudy sky above North Tiverton, RI, on August 16, 2019. Organizer Ray Payson, President of the Bristol Land Conservation Trust, welcomed the crowd at the Mount Hope Farm in Bristol, RI, before they walked from the […]

Sowams article published in Prime Times free magazine

An article written by Project Coordinator David Weed about the development of the Sowams Heritage Area was published on-line today in Prime Times, a give-away magazine available in local stores.. In the article, Weed describes how he became interested in the 17th century history in and around Warren, RI, where he lives and went on […]

Keith Morton leads a group to Margaret’s Rock

Providence College Professor Keith Morton, who lives near Margaret’s Rock, led a group of ten people to the location where it has been said that Roger Williams was sheltered by a Pokanoket woman in the winter of 1636. Before the walk to the Rock, Keith described the surrounding property to Julie Blount of Warren, Po […]

Burr’s Hill talk at the Massasoit Memorial

Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator David Weed spoke to two groups of children at the Warren Recreation Summer Camp program about the Massasoit Ousamequin who was reburied in the Park two years earlier. Dr. Weed told them about the people who lived successfully in the area for over 10,000 years by adapting to the land […]

Walk of Pnieses Ceremony at Mount Hope in Bristol

The Pokanoket Tribe/Pokanoket Nation tribal members celebrated the Walk of the Pnieses with two young men who completed this tradition at their ancestral home of Potumtuk at Mount Hope in Bristol, RI, on August 4, 2019. Winter Hawk and Winding River were left alone at Potumtuck (Mt. Hope) for several days and where they performed […]

Sowams Heritage Area group explores Neutaconakanut Hill

The Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy Group sponsored a guided walk with to the hill known as the last wild place in Providence on the theme of “Discovering Sowams” on August 3, 2019 for about a dozen people. Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator Dave Weed and Conservancy member Joe Jamroz began the walk by orienting people to the […]