The Providence Cultural Equity Initiative’s Institute for Social Cohesion organized a panel discussion highlighting and celebrating Indigenous Women Leaders as “Warrior Women” at Providence College on January 31, 2020 where attendees were given the opportunity to hear contemporary perspectives on the role of women warriors in indigenous culture and society. Anjel Newman, Director of Programs at AS220, facilitated the event which featured four Indigenous women who related a range of personal experiences and perspectives on what it means to be a woman warrior today. Deborah Running Deer Afdasta, Pokanoket Council Chief and Michelle Singing Voice Johnson, Indigenous Advocate (Seminole/Narragansett) led off the presentations. Carole Lone Eagle Fowlkes, Red Chief of the Ani Tsalagi Onesalagi Northeastern Band and FANA (Cherokee/Lenape) and Bella Noka, Indigenous Activist (Narragansett) followed with their presentations. Chief Taliyona Quosa, Providence Cultural Equity Initiative Director Ray Two Hawks Watson and Institute for Social Cohesion Director Jonathan Lewis made concluding remarks and presented the panelists with thank-you gifts. Click here for a two-hour video of the panel discussion.