Revitalization of Watchemoket Square plans presented at Tockwotton on the Waterfront


East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva welcomed about 75 people to a forum at Tockwotton on the Waterfront to present preliminary plans for the revitalization of the Watchemoket Square waterfront gateway district in East Providence, Ri and to solicit input from local citizens. The project will take advantage of new exits from Route 195 that will carry traffic directly to Waterfront Drive. The City and the East Providence Waterfront District Commission, are working together cooperatively on a vision for the future development of the East Providence Harborfront at Bold Point, the former Gulf, Unocal, P&W Railroad and Tockwotton properties. East Providence Planning Department  Director Robert Fazioli, Dan Stevens of Camoine 310 Associates and BETA Group, Inc. Associate Arek Galle described various aspects of the study to create recommendations for intermodal transportation improvements, enhance bike and pedestrian safety, redefine the district’s brand, and establish an arts and entertainment district. Pokanoket Nation Sagamore William “Winds of Thunder” Guy presented a brief history of the Pokanoket Tribe who occupied the Watchemoket Square Area for 10,000 years before the arrival of Europeans in 1620. The word “Watchemoket” is an American Indian word that means “where the land and water meet.” Click here for a 104-minute video of the event.

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