Sowams Heritage Area group explores Neutaconakanut Hill

The Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy Group sponsored a guided walk with to the hill known as the last wild place in Providence on the theme of “Discovering Sowams” on August 3, 2019 for about a dozen people. Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator Dave Weed and Conservancy member Joe Jamroz began the walk by orienting people to the land that was once the home of the Pokanoket people in prior to the 17th century. Dave explained how the native people used the land for over 10,000 years while Joe pointed out some of the wild plant and trees along the one-and-a-half mile walk. The group reached the meadow at the top of the Hill where downtown Providence can easily be seen. Roger Williams was granted the use of the land by Chief Cannonicus in 1636 when he founded Providence..


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