The Pokanoket Tribe performs at the Bristol Library

About a dozen members of the Pokanoket Tribe. including Sagamore William Guy, present their history and heritage to children and adults on April 18, 2019 at the Rogers Free Library in Bristol, RI. Click here for a 45-minute video of their presentation.


Lee “Brave Heart” and Harry “Hawk” Edmonds perform some traditional dances, and Hawk offered a tobacco prayer in his native Algonkian language at the beginning of the hour.

Rainbow Heart and the other Tribe members lead a friendship dance with everyone moving in a circle around the room after the Sagamore passes around a bicentennial coin showing his great grandfather as Washington’s personal bodyguard during the Revolutionary War.


The program concludes with more dancing to the Tribal drum and an opportunity for Willson Menezes and his father, Joseph, to take pictures with Tribal members.

Click here for a 45-minute video of the presentation.