The Pokanoket Tribe visits the George Hail Library in Warren

Two Deers tells a Pokanoket story about strawberries and forgiveness as part of the hour-long educational event sponsored by the Rhode Island Council on the Humanities at the George Hail Free Library in Warren, RI, on March 19, 2019. Click here for a 42-minute video of the presentation.

Po Wauipi Neimpaug (William Guy), the Sagamore or “chief” of the Tribe relates some of the history of the Tribe before the women lead some of the adults and children in a dance accompanied by the drummers and singers.

The Sagamore shows a patron a coin minted by the Town of Griswold, CT, with Massasoit’s grandson, Simeon Simons, George Washington’s hand-picked bodyguard while  Two Deers shows children some of the artifacts.

A patron looks on with two children while Michelle “BlueShell” Bethune shows them some of the items from the table of artifacts that the Tribe brought with them.

Two Deers holds a prayer blanket made by Native women while Council President Deborah “Running Deer” Afdasta describes how shells were used.

Click here for a 42-minute video of the presentation.