The History of Sowams presented at the George Hail Library

Over forty people came to hear an hour-long presentation entitled “The History of Sowams, the 17th century home of Massasoit” held at the George Hail Library in Warren. Dr. David Weed, Coordinator of the Sowams Heritage Area Project talked about how he got involved in the project and then shared much of what he has learned in the past two years about the 17th century, especially in the Town of Warren. Click here for a one-hour video of the presentation.


Dr. Weed pointed out the frieze over the entrance to the Warren Town Hall next to the George Hail Library where the presentation was held that depicts the Massasoit in Sowams and the date of Edward Winslow’s visit in 1621.

“When they reburied the Massasoit right behind my house in Burr’s Hill two years ago, I said this is something I need to learn more about.” Much of what he has learned since then is now on this website.

Part of the purpose of the Project is to ensure that people recognize that members of the Pokanoket Tribe continue to live in the area in spite of efforts to deny their recognition over the past 300 years.


People in attendance expressed a lot of support for someday making the Sowams region into a National Heritage Area like the Blackston River Valley National Heritage Corridor so that people who come to visit the area will learn about its unique history.

Click here for a one-hour video of the presentation.

Click here to see the original deed for the sale of Sowams to the colonists in 1653.