The Warren Summer Recreation Program invited Davison Bolster and David Weed to talk to children on June 29th about the American Aboriginal people who lived in Warren for thousands of years before the English colonists arrived.
Local historian Davison Bolster talks to children about the re-burial site of Massasoit who first met the Pilgrims in Plymouth in 1620 and provided support and protection to ensure their survival..
Children walk to the Massasoit monument place in the Park in May 2017 by members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and read the inscription below.
After the children read the inscription on the monument, local historian Davison Bolster talks describes some fo the artifacts that were buried under the monument.
Children ask questions about some of the artifacts similar to those that were taken from the graves in 1913 and returned to a crypt under the monument.