Touisset comes from the aboriginal name Toweset, which is translated variously as “at the old field” and “at the corn field.” Before the arrival of European settlers, and evidenced by shell piles and arrowheads unearthed by later residents, Touisset Point was, at least seasonally, inhabited by American Aboriginals who enjoyed the bounty of the land, air and water. [most text on this page is from “Touisset Point and Community Club History“, by Rick Massie]
The word Kickemuit, also from the American Aboriginal lexicon, has undergone a number of different spellings over time, including, Cecamuet, Kecamuet, Kickimuit and Kickamuit, translates in English to “at the great spring,” referencing a freshwater water source near the banks of what is today the Warren River
The meeting and mixing of freshwater from the inland sources of the Kickemuit and Cole Rivers and saltwater of Mount Hope and Narragansett Bay refreshed and fed by the Atlantic Ocean tides creates breeding grounds, nurseries and habitats for a wide range of marine creatures and aquatic vegetation, which, in turn, provides sustenance for many land-based creatures and a variety of birds. Chase Cove (above) was known as the summer camp of the Massasoit Ousamequin.
Several hiking trails open to the public run through the Touisset Marsh Wildlife Refruge that can be accessed from the parking lot of the Touisset Fire Station at the end of Touisset Road (see map below).