The land on and around Mount Hope Farm in Bristol, RI had been the sacred land of the Pokanoket Tribe for thousands of years until it was taken by the Crown and sold to four Proprietors in 1680 following the King Philip War. In order to tell that story, the Farm’s Board of Directors raised the funds to design and purchase an historic marker that will stand on the property. Click here for a nine-minute video of the marker unveiling held on June 17, 2021. Click here for a close-up photo of the marker.
(Pictured above, left) Pokanoket Sagamore William “Winds of Thunder” left, Sachem Tracey “Dancing Star” Brown (above, left) and Tribal Council Member Elsie “Sunflower” Morrison (above, right) wait with Mount Hope Farm Director Sheri St. Germain (in blue) for the attendees to gather. (Pictured above, right) Historic marker designer Karen Dionne talks with the Sagamore before the unveiling.
(Above) Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator David Weed describes how the content of the marker was developed in collaboration with the Pokanoket Tribe before the Sagamore thanks the Board of Directors for recognizing the importance of Mount Hope and providing a way to educate their visitors.
Christy Naqdalin of the Bristol Phoenix introduces herself to Sagamore Bill Guy while Sachem Tracey Brown poses for a photo with Director Sheri St. Germain next to the newly unveiled marker.