9th Annual Big Drum Powwow held at the Roger Williams Memorial Park in Providence

The Big Drum Powwow is hosted by Eastern Medicine Cultural LLC, in conjunction with sponsors, National Park Service and the Rhode Island State Council of the Arts. Eastern Algonquin Woodlands Powwow. The event is part of Native New England Cultural Week with four supporting colleges: New England Tech, RWU, RIC and Brown University. Click here for a 2 1/2 minute video.

Ray “Two Hawks” of the Mashapaug Tribe leads the drumming at the powwow held every year at Roger Williams Memorial Park in Providence, RI on September 29, 2018.


Pokanoket Tribe Sagamoe William Guy talks with Sowams Heritage Area team members Nancy and Carl Ferreira on Saturday atf the powwow as tribe menber Roger “Gray Fox” Desrosiers listens.


Two Hawks leads the drumming as other members of the tribe join in.


Carl Ferreira, right, joins in the dancing.


Tribal members join in one of the many dances.