Sowams Heritage Area Project celebrates accomplishments of its first year

Friends and supporters of the Sowams Heritage Area Project gathered at the George Hail Library in downtown Warren, RI, on December 9, 2022 to celebrate their accomplishments over the last year. Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed, seen speaking to the group in the photo to the left, thanked everyone for their contributions to Phase I of the feasibility study, which is expected to be completed in the spring of 2023. Some of the year’s highlights include:

  • The formation of the SHAP Steering Committee
  • The award of $25,000 from the National Trust of Historic Preservation through their “Telling the Full History” program to underwrite Phase I of the feasibility study.
  • Engaging the Point HDC national consulting group, who began the feasibility study with a three-day onsite orientation visit, surveys and interviews
  • Visits from the National Parks Conservation Association and the Partnership of Historic Bostons and presentations to the Massachusetts Archaeological Society and the Somerset Historical Society
  • The installation of the 5th Sowams Heritage Area historic marker at the Newman Church in East Providence.

The accomplishments of the past year are just the beginning in a process of engaging the community to ensure that all voices are heard in telling the story of Sowams.