October 2022

Roger Williams University Co-Lab UNconference discusses missing Native voices

The Roger Williams University Public Humanities and Arts Collaborative convened “Hidden Truths: Telling New Stories About the Ocean State” on October 7, 2022 at the RWU Providence campus. This convening brought together organizations, scholars, practitioners, artists and advocates who are working to make hidden stories and histories more visible in the New England region for […]

Pokanoket Tribe participates in a Rhode Island Slave History Medallion Installation Ceremony

Members of the Pokanoket Tribe participated in a special Rhode Island Slave History Medallion Installation Ceremony on Sunday, October 2 in the Salem Family Auditorium at the Barrington Public Library. At the event, history students and graphic design students from Roger Williams University presented their findings of the town’s role in the transatlantic slave trade and stories of […]

Sowams Project was on display at Celebrate Seekonk Day

The second annual “Celebrate Seekonk Day,” sponsored by the Seekonk Cultural Council, was held on October 1st from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at the Seekonk Public Library. The goal of the event is to spotlight the often-forgotten history, rich culture, and current activities of the Town of Seekonk through a day filled with walks and talks, music, […]