Dr. Weed completes week-long session with the Levanthal Map & Education Center

The Levanthal Map & Education Center at Boston Public Library invited 40 teachers from across the country to participate in a week-long on-line education program on 17th century colonial and Indigenous map making during the last week of August, 2021. Participants explored the history and landscape of 1600s New England, with an emphasis on the […]
Warren Town Council approves first municipal Land Acknowledgement in New England

Four hundred years after the first visit by Plymouth Pilgrims Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins to the home of the Pokanoket Massasoit Ousamequin, who had struck a treaty with them four months earlier, the Town Council of Warren, RI passed what is believed to be the first municipal Land Acknowledgement in New England. The Acknowledgement, […]
Trails Association president visits the Sowams Heritage Area

Lee and Sandi Black of the Oregon-California Trails Association paid a visit to the Sowams Heritage Area on June 22, 2021. Traveling from Albuquerque, NM, the couple included a stop in the lower Sowams Heritage Area in order to become more familiar with the 17th century history of the area. With stops that included the […]
Warren Town Council approves Study Committee recommendations

At a special meeting of the Warren, RI Town Council held on May 27, 2021, the following recommendations were unanimously approved: The Town Council adopt a complete Land Acknowledgement statement created by the Pokanoket Tribe/Pokanoket Nation New Town entrance signs reference Warren as “Sowams, the home of the Massasoit Ousamequin who welcomed the Pilgrims in […]
Boston by Map with the Leventhal Center

The Leventhal Map and Education Center at the Boston Public Library offered a 45-minute virtual session on historical geography with a focus on maps of early Boston. Click here to view the entire presentation. Public Engagement & Interpretation Coordinator Rachel Mead and volunteer Dennis McCarthy narrate this session, answer questions, and talk about the Map […]
Warren American Indian Study Committee meets by Zoom

The Warren American Indian Study Committee met by Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic. “While we would have preferred in-person meetings, safety precautions have forced us to meet virtually. In any case, we’ve been able to move ahead to meet our goal of announcing recommendations to the Town Council by June,” stated Committee Chairman Rock Singewald. […]
Meet the Guy/Brown Family in Barrington

By David Sillars and Ryan Brown; Photos by Sabrina Scolari If you have ever visited the Guy/Brown home, you might have noticed two mailboxes. One belongs to the house in the front and the other is for the house connected to it in the back. In the front house live Bill and Deanna Guy who […]
How animals were regarded in 17th century Sowams

Although Europeans placed all nonhuman creatures into a generic category of animals, Indians may instead have conceived of animals only as distinct species without a generic term for “animals.” European cattle were often seen as wild animals and treated as such by the Indigenous population as described in this Colonial Society narrative. In 17th-century America, livestock […]
Life at Colonial Harvard: The Archaeological Evidence

Harvard University’s 1650 charter founded a multicultural educational setting when it committed the new institution “to the education of the English and Indian Youth of this Country in knowledge and godliness.” Join Diana Loren and Patricia Capone in a 35-minute video presentation of the Harvard Yard Archaeology Project’s findings to date, including printing type from the […]