Sowams paintings now displayed at the Barrington Library

Two paintings by artist Ruth Major were placed on display at the Barrington Public Library October 6, 2021. Sowams Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed and Recreation and Senior Services Director Michele Gousie Geremia stand next to one depicting the Massasoit Ousamequin and in front of the other depicting the the settlement where he lived. Today’s Barrington was part of Sowams, or the “Southern Area” that was home to the Pokanoket Tribe for thousands of years until their displacement following the King Philip War in 1675-76. “The artist, Ruth Major, has done a fabulous job of researching each of these images,” noted Weed. “The elements within each painting were described in 17th century documents, so they are historically accurate,” he added. Click here for a description of the portrait, here for one of the settlement, here for a booklet about the Pokanoket Tribe, and here for a 7-minute video about the painting of the Sowams winter settlement.