Wampanoags visit the Bassetlaw Museum in Retford, England

Four members of the Wampanoag Tribe visited the Bassetlaw Museum in Retford, England in preparation for events from September 21-25, 2021 as part of the Museum’s Plymouth 400 celebration. In preparation for the visit, they constructed a wetu on the grounds of the Museum, the first time such a structure has ever been built in Europe. Click here for more information.

Using cedar poles bent and tied at the top, the four men constructed a wetu frame. They then covered it with artificial bark made from a rubbery material. Click here for a 92-second video of the team that constructed the wetu.

Signage outside the wetu explained how the wetu was built with a fire in the center, seats around the inside, and a smoke hole at the top that could be covered in the rain.

See more photos and video about the construction of the wetu on the Bassetlaw Museum Facebook page.