Trails Association president visits the Sowams Heritage Area

Lee and Sandi Black of the Oregon-California Trails Association paid a visit to the Sowams Heritage Area on June 22, 2021. Traveling from Albuquerque, NM, the couple included a stop in the lower Sowams Heritage Area in order to become more familiar with the 17th century history of the area. With stops that included the Martin Houses in Swansea and Barrington, King’s Rock on Sachum’s Knoll, the marker for the site of the First Baptist Church in Massachusetts, the Nockum Hill Cemetery, Tyler Point, the Haile-Nunes Farmhouse, the Hugh Cole Well, the Massasoit Spring, Burr’s Hill Burial Grounds, the Nathaniel Bosworth House, and King Philip’s Seat in Bristol, the couple took in a lot of history in a short amount of time. They also gave tour guide David Weed a good idea of the work their Trails Association has been doing to bring 19th and 20th century history to light in the western states. The morning was a terrific opportunity to share the work of bringing history to light across America!