At a special meeting of the Warren, RI Town Council held on May 27, 2021, the following recommendations were unanimously approved:
- The Town Council adopt a complete Land Acknowledgement statement created by the Pokanoket Tribe/Pokanoket Nation
- New Town entrance signs reference Warren as “Sowams, the home of the Massasoit Ousamequin who welcomed the Pilgrims in 1621″
- The sign explaining the Native American symbols that appear on the boulders at the Baker Street Playground be upgraded to match similar signs
- The Council consider adopting a proclamation on August 9, 2021 honoring the Indigenous people that lived in the “New World” before the arrival of Columbus
The recommendations were the work of an eight-member Ad Hoc Study Committee that had been meeting since October, 2020. Click here for a video recording of the Council meeting.