April 2021

Warren American Indian Study Committee meets by Zoom

The Warren American Indian Study Committee met by Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic. “While we would have preferred in-person meetings, safety precautions have forced us to meet virtually. In any case, we’ve been able to move ahead to meet our goal of announcing recommendations to the Town Council by June,” stated Committee Chairman Rock Singewald. […]

Meet the Guy/Brown Family in Barrington

By David Sillars and Ryan Brown; Photos by Sabrina Scolari If you have ever visited the Guy/Brown home, you might have noticed two mailboxes. One belongs to the house in the front and the other is for the house connected to it in the back. In the front house live Bill and Deanna Guy who […]

How animals were regarded in 17th century Sowams

Although Europeans placed all nonhuman creatures into a generic category of animals, Indians may instead have conceived of animals only as distinct species without a generic term for “animals.” European cattle were often seen as wild animals and treated as such by the Indigenous population as described in this Colonial Society narrative. In 17th-century America, livestock […]