January 14, 2021

Music of the Plimoth Colony Settlers 1590-1645

The Plimoth colonists were a diverse group of Separatists and Anglicans, English and Dutch, some religious and some not! They brought with them varied musical experiences, and Plimoth Colony heard not only psalms but also catches, ballads, and dance tunes. The Seven Times Salt instrumental group follows the settlers from England to religious refuge in the Netherlands […]

Massachusetts would fly a symbol of ‘slaughter and attempted genocide’ no more

[Boston Globe] On Jan. 5, just one day before the insurrection, the Massachusetts Legislature voted to form a commission to study and recommend permanent changes to the state seal and motto. Governor Charlie Baker signed the measure on Monday. The 19th-century seal, which appears in the center of the state flag, depicts a colonist’s arm […]