January 9, 2021

Princess Red Wing, well known Pokanoket historian featured on Providence mural

A mural on the east-facing wall of 32 Custom House Street in downtown Providence by artist Gaia entitled “Still Here,” funded by The Avenue Concept, depicts Lynsea Montanari, a member of the Narragansett tribe and an educator at the Tomaquag Museum in Exeter, Rhode Island, holding a picture of  Princess Red Wing, a Narragansett/Pokanoket historian and educator who founded the museum […]

Massasoit descendant Zerviah Mitchell sought to address wrongs

In 1878, Zerviah Gould Mitchell, published the book Indian history, biography and genealogy pertaining to the good sachem Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe, and his descendants in an effort “to make record of the wrongs . . . which have been endured by my race.” Zerviah passed away in 1898, but her daugher, Charlotte Mitchell, represented the descendants […]