Author Jean O'Brien speaks about "Monumental Mobility" at Brown University forum

Jean M. O’Brien (White Earth Ojibwe) is Distinguished McKnight University Professor of History at the University of Minnesota. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, O’Brien is the author of Monumental Mobility: The Memory Work of Massasoit (with Lisa Blee, North Carolina, 2019). Dr. O’Brien’s spoke at Brown University on February 11, 2020 about […]

Local tribal chiefs meet with the Rhode Island Foundation representative

Members of the newly formed Rhode Island American Indian Heritage Commission met with Executive Vice President of Strategy & Community Investments Jessica David of the Rhode Island Foundation on February 10, 2020 to talk about ways they might collaborate to increase public awareness of the American Indian tribes in Rhode Island. Ideas expressed included speaking […]

Roger Williams celebrated as part of traveling exhibit’s stop at local library

Marc Kohler, the founder of the Roger Williams Educational Foundation, spoke at the Cranston Public Library’s Central Library on January 25, 2020 in conjunction with the “Roving Roger” exhibit. Sponsored by the Rhode Island Department of State, the exhibit features a 7-foot statue of Williams along with a range of educational materials. Included in the exhibit was a copy of […]

Warrior Women: Celebrating Indigenous Women Leaders at Providence College

The Providence Cultural Equity Initiative’s Institute for Social Cohesion organized a panel discussion highlighting and celebrating Indigenous Women Leaders as “Warrior Women” at Providence College on January 31, 2020 where attendees were given the opportunity to hear contemporary perspectives on the role of women warriors in indigenous culture and society. Anjel Newman, Director of Programs at AS220, facilitated the […]

Seekonk Reporter Leslie Patterson writes about the Sowams Heritage Area

Writing in the January 2020 edition of the Seekonk Reporter, feature writer Leslie Patterson published an article about the Sowams Heritage Area project on page 46. In the article, she describes the goals of the project to help people explore the history of Sowams, the original homeland of the Pokanoket Tribe. She includes a link […]

Sowams Heritage Area video now airing on statewide cable television

Over fifty videos from the past year on the Sowams Heritage Area website have started to air once a week on the statewide Rhode Island PEG interconnect system. The one-hour shows will air on Channel 13 on Cox or Full Channel connections and on Channel 32 on Verizon cable connections. Currently the air times are […]