November 2020

51st National Day of Mourning held in Plymouth, MA on November 26, 2020

Since 1970, Native Americans and UAINE supporters have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US thanksgiving holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native […]

Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, where the rivers meet in Seekonk

The word caratunk in the Algonquin language means “where the rivers meet.” It’s an apt name for Audubon’s very popular wildlife refuge in Seekonk, where Cole’s Brook intersects with an unnamed stream amid ponds, forests, meadows and wetlands. Click here for a 90-second video of the Refuge trail.     Located at 130 Brown Avenue […]

Pokanoket Sachem Dancing Star tells the story of the Three Sisters

(Above) Pokanoket Sachem Tracey “Dancing Star” Brown (Po Pummukoank Anogqs) tells the story of the Three Sisters along the shore of Mount Hope Bay. Click here for a two-minute video by Roger Williams University of the story of the Three Sisters in her own words.     (Above) The Three Sisters sit along the shoreline […]