American Indian Study Committee begins meeting in Warren, RI

The Town Council of Warren, RI established an American Indian Study Committee to: 1) examine the history and culture of the Pokanoket Tribe in the formation of the Town of Warren and to create an historically accurate narrative of that history; 2) evaluate how that history is currently portrayed within the Town of Warren; 3) recommend to the Town Council necessary changes to ensure that an accurate history is reflected in the depictions, monuments and policies of the Town of Warren, and 4) recommend ways that visitors to the Town of Warren can be invited to learn about the unique origins of the Town connected to its historic American Indian inhabitants. The first of ten one-hour meeting of the Committee took place on Zoom on October 27, 2020, and work on creating recommendations to the Council over the next nine months. Pokanoket Tribal Historian Don Brown will represent the Tribe’s perspective, and the other seven members of the Committee will make suggestions for ways that an accurate history of the Town be portrayed to the public. The agenda and the minutes for the meetings will be posted on the RI Secretary of State’s Open Meeting website.

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