On August 28, 2020, a 71-year-old Warren man completed a 25-mile row from Providence to Newport yesterday in training for the 350th anniversary of the August 8, 1672 trip that Roger Williams completed when he was 70. “I didn’t know for sure that I could make it,” remarked avid rower Rock Singewald, “but I’m glad I gave it a try.” The trip took Singewald four hours, and he got help from a northwest wind and favorable tides. Williams left in the morning and arrived in Newport a little before midnight. “I’m sure my boat was a lot lighter and easier to row than Williams’,” commented Singewald. He and other local rowers want to recreate the trip on the 350th anniversary in two years. “I know a lot of serious rowers who would love the challenge, either solo or with a crew,” he added. Singewald is part of a group working on the Sowams Heritage Area Project to establish a National Heritage Area from Providence to Bristol to interpret the events of the 17th century in the East Bay. Click here for a 25-second report on Channel 12 News.