East Providence Mayor promotes the Sowams Heritage Area

Sowams Heritage Area Project Coordinator Dr. David Weed greeted East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva at his first public coffee hour at Borealis Coffee Company in Riverside.  The Mayor fielded questions and discussed a number of topics relevant to East Providence residents but took time to talk about the relevance of the Sowams Heritage Area Project to the future development of the City. Mayor DaSilva noted that he sees the 17th century history of the City as important not only for residents but also for visitors to the City who are largely unaware of both its Native and its colonial history which includes the Wannamoisett marker, the Ancient Little Neck Cemetery, Bold Point and Tockwotton, the Newman Church and the Ring of the Green, the Roger Williams Spring and first settlement site, and some of the surviving 17th century houses in Sowams. Retired businessman and local sculptor David O’Connell, who invited Dr. Weed to the forum, expressed his interest in seeing the colonial history of the City included in plans to develop the Wachemoket Square Area.

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