The Pokanoket Tribe visits the ENRICHri Home Schoolers Group

The Pokanoket Tribe was invited by the ENRICHri Home Schoolers Group to present their history and heritage to parents and children on April 12, 2019 at the Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club. Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug (William Guy) told the children about the Tribe’s history and many of the Tribal leaders, including the Massasoit Osamequin […]

Scholars see 17th century documents at the John Carter Brown Library

Scholars attending a related symposium gathered at the John Carter Brown Library on April 11, 2019 to view a selection of 17th century archival selections. The 13,000 books in the Library constitute one of the four largest collections of early American imprints in the world and include many texts and maps pertaining to New England […]

Barrington Interfaith Partners learn the history and traditions of the Pokanoket Tribe

Members of the Pokanoket Tribe, invited by the Barrington Interfaith Partners. presented their history and traditions at the Barrington United Congregational Church on March 21, 2019. Trinki Brueckner of the Interfaith Partners welcomed Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug (William Guy) who began by describing the Pokanoket Tribe, the largest aboriginal nation in northeastern North America when the first colonizers […]

The Pokanoket Tribe visits the George Hail Library in Warren

Pokanoket Tribe members visited the George Hail Library in Warren, RI, on March 19, 2019 for a one-hour presentation on tribal history and traditions. After Spirit Dog (Rick Ayers) explained the use and importance of the Tribal drum, Running Deer, (Deborah Afdasta) led the children in some dancing as the drum played. Sagamore William Guy […]

Providence Rotarians hear about the Sowams Heritage Area

Providence Rotary Club President Art Norwalk welcomed Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator David Weed to a meeting at the Providence Marriott on March 18, 2019, where he gave a 20-minute presentation about the history of the 17th century in and around Providence that he has discovered over the past two years. Dave took questions from more […]

Pokanoket Tribe renews the Covenant at Potumtuk

Members of the Pokanoket Tribe gathered at Potumtuk, the name for Mount Hope and King Philip’s Seat in Bristol, RI. for a Renewal of the Covenant ceremony on March 17, 2019. Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug, William Guy, led the ceremony after Medicine Man Roger “Gray Fox” Desrosiers prayed. Then the Sagamore explained the ceremony before it began and invited a young boy to come […]

Sowams Heritage Area Presented at Boston History Camp

Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator Dr. David Weed presented to over fifty participants in the 6th annual History Camp, held at Suffolk University Law School across from the 1660 Granary Burial Ground in downtown Boston. The event was a terrific opportunity to present the Project to people throughout New England, many of whom had never heard […]

Palmer Elementary School learns about the Pokanoket Tribe

Six third grade classes at the Palmer Elementary School in Rehoboth, MA, were treated to a presentation on the history and culture of the Pokanoket Tribe by Tribe members on March 15, 2019. Sagamore William Guy began by telling the children that he is the 10th generation descendant of the Massasoit Osamequn who welcomed the […]

Eliot Bible on display at the Natick History Society

A rare copy of a second edition of the Eliot Bible, printed in 1685 in Cambridge, was on display for one evening at an event at the Natick Historical Society on March 15, 2019. The event was part of a talk on the Power of Art by U.K. artists Neville and Joan Gabie who are […]

Portsmouth celebrates the 1638 founding of the Town

The President and Vice-President of the Portsmouth, RI, Historical Society held an anniversary event to celebrate the 1638 founding of the Town on March 7, 2019 at Town Hall. The event included remarks by Town Council Vice-President Linda Ujifusa and ancestor of Founder John Sanford David Chase. The actual compact that was signed by the […]