December 2019

Mayflower Author Nathaniel Philbrick meets the Pokanoket Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug

Pokanoket Nation Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug (William Guy) was introduced to Mayflower author Nathaniel Philbrick at the Providence Athenaeum by Philbrick’s cousin, Timothy, ahead of his presentation at the Unitarian Church nearby on December 12, 2019. The Athenaeum, sponsor of the Author’s talk, provided a reception at which Philbrick met the Pokanoket Sagamore, Winds of […]

17th Century Sowams Presented at the Rehoboth History Club

Sowams Heritage Area Coordinator David Weed presented the 17th century history of the Sowams Heritage Area to members of the Rehoboth History Club at the Blanding Public Library in Rehoboth on December 17, 2019. Club organizer Hank Coleman opened the program with a reference to Nathaniel Philbrick’s recent talk that was attended by ten members […]

Mayflower Author Nathaniel Philbrick meets the Pokanoket Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug

Pokanoket Nation Sagamore Po Wauipi Neimpaug (William Guy) is introduced to Mayflower author Nathaniel Philbrick at the Providence Athenaeum by Philbrick’s cousin, Timothy, ahead of his presentation at the Unitarian Church nearby on December 12, 2019.   The Athenaeum, sponsor of the Author’s talk, provided a reception at which the Author’s cousin, Timothy Philbrick (above […]

Roger Williams in England at the Peace Dale Museum of Art and Culture

In 2017 and 2019, Professor Charlotte Carrington-Farmer of Roger Williams University and Historian John McNiff retraced Roger Williams’ footsteps in England with groups of RWU students. At the Peace Dale Museum of Art and Culture, they presented highlights of those trips to a packed audience on December 11, 2019. Museum Board President Lisa Fiore welcomed a standing-room-only crowd to hear […]