NEARA Conference explores early boundaries and indigenous migration patterns

About fifty members of the New England Antiquities Research Association held their fall conference at the Warwick Radisson Hotel on November 1st and 2nd, 2019. Much of the conference centered on the identification and preservation of ceremonial stone landscapes in New England but also featured an early video by Morse Payne on how town boundaries were laid out beginning in 1620 in Massachusetts. Archaeologist Mary Ellen Lepionka of Gloucester, MA spoke for an hour about possible migration routes into the Americas prior to the Last Glacial Maximum that included a possible route that brought indigenous people from Eurasia directly to the East Coast. After presenting an outline of her talk, Lepionka went on to describe the way people from Siberia may have reached the eastern seaboard directly rather than migrating from the West Coast of North America eastward. Click here for a one-hour video of her presentation.

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