Nancy Moore of the East Providence Historical Society introduced National Park Ranger John McNiff at Tockwotton on the Waterfront on October 28, 2019. McNiff assumed the character of Roger Williams and told the story of his banishment from Boston/Salem and his arrival in what is now East Providence in 1636. McNiff explained that Williams was given land by the Massasoit Osamequin on the Back Cove (Omega Pond) in East Providence and started a homestead near the spring on Roger Williams Ave before discovering that he was still under the jurisdiction of Plymouth Colony. McNiff then said that Williams and his band moved across the Seekonk River to begin their new lives in what they called Providence Plantations. They came ashore at Fox Point not far from where the talk took place at Tockwotton. McNiff concluded his portrayal and then took questions from the audience. Click here for a one-hour video of McNiff’s presentation.