Dave Norton, host of the Seekonk Channel 9 TV show Discovering New England History, presented a personalized perspective of the Pilgrim story through the story of one family, John and Elizabeth Howland, at the Seekonk Public Library on October 23, 2019.Adult Services Senior Librarian Michelle Gario introduced Dave who suggested a number of sources for those interested in learning more, including the movie “Pilgrim Adventure and the books Mayflower and King Philip’s War. John Howland and a young Elizabeth Tilley were the subjects of Norton’s story that followed the lives of Pilgrims who left Plymouth, England, and Leyden, Holland, to settle in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. An audience of more than two dozen listened intently to the presentation and stayed afterwards to ask David questions. Click here for a one-hour video of this presentation.
You can reach him at uconndn70@comcast.net
Hi. I would love to contact David Norton since I am a descendant of John and Elizabeth Howland. Thank you for this opportunity.