Honoring Indigenous People at the Providence Honk Festival

Indigenous People’s Day was recognized on October 14, 2019, during Providence Honk, a festival that included Land Acknowledgement, Indigenous Artist Blessing and Performance and a Peoples’ Ribbon Cutting and Torch Procession across the Pedestrian Footbridge in downtown Providence. Darlene Monroe of the Narragansett Nation spoke before Raymond Two Hawks Watson, Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe, led off the drumming while Native dancers performed. Daryl Black Eagle Jamieson of the Eastern Medicine Singers also led the drumming. Members of the Narragansett Nation joined Mrs. Monroe, her son, Keith Hileru, and students from Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts as they paused for a moment of silence to recognize Indigenous People’s Day before the the  drumming resumed. Click here for a ten-minute video of the event.

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