Sowams Project presented at the Massasoit Historical Association in Warren

The 18th century Maxwell House on Water Street in Warren, RI was the venue for a presentation on the Sowams Heritage Area Project by Coordinator Dave Weed on October 8, 2019. Dr. Weed began by describing how the remains of the Massasoit Ousamequin, who met the Pilgrims in 1621, were returned to an ancient royal Pokanoket grave site in Burr’s Hill in 2017. According to the 1624 book, Good News from New England, Plymouth Pilgrim Edward Winslow visited the Massasoit in July, 1621 and again in March, 1623, the second time reportedly curing the Massasoit Ousamequin of a severe malady and making the two friends for life. Weed used PhotoShopped images to show how Warren and Barrington consisted of open land in 1621. He then pointed out King’s Rock and an Indian calendar rock on Sachem’s Knoll just north of the Warren-Swansea line on Route 136 among over fifty nearby locations that give evidence of the 17th century. Click here for a one-hour video of Dave Weed’s talk.

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