Meetup Tour of Martin House and Sachem’s Knoll

The 17th Century Rhode Island  Meetup Group met at Martin House in Swansea on September 22, 2019 for a tour of the house and a stop at Sachem’s Knoll nearby. The Martin House was first built in 1728 on a foundation of previous house that predates 1700. Volunteer docents describe some of the items in the house that were common in the 17th century, including King James Bibles, clay pipes, beeswax candles and wooden kitchen bowls. An iron breastplate and helmet similar to what was worn during King Philip’s War are on display on the second floor. The Meetup Group then visited Sachem’s Knoll about a half-mile from the Martin House on Route 136 just before the Warren line where Indians from all over New England used to celebrate their victories in tribal wars and talk about their peace treaties. Click here for a 47-minute YouTube video of a 2018 17th Century Rhode Island MeetUp group visit.

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