Tour of 17th century Burial Hill in Plymouth, MA

Friends of Burial Hill co-founder and president Cheryle Caputo led a walk through the cemetery for a group from the Massachusetts Historic Preservation Conference in Plymouth, MA on September 20, 2019. Cheryle began the tour in front of the First Parish Church at the foot of Burial Hill. The congregation was founded in the English community of Scrooby in 1606 by the Pilgrims, a group of Protestant Christians. Originally, the congregation held Christian services on the Mayflower and then at a fort on Burial Hill from 1621 until 1648. The fort was also used for other colony events including meetings of the Plymouth General Court. In 1648 the first of four church buildings on the town square was constructed. Later churches were built in 1684, 1744, and 1831. [Wikipedia] Cheryle noted that Squanto or Tisquantum may be buried there, though there is no marker for him among the 2,000 graves. He was a member of the Patuxet tribe best known for being an early liaison between the native populations in Southern New England and the Mayflower Pilgrims who made their settlement at the site of Squanto’s former summer village. Edward Gray and Governor William Bradford were among a small number of Pilgrims from the Mayflower, including John HowlandWilliam BrewsterThomas CushmanLieutenant Samuel Bartlett and Richard Warren, who were buried there. Click here for a 30-minute video of the tour.

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