May 2019

The untold history of praying towns presented in Natick

Elizabeth Solomon of the Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag and Kristen Wyman of the Natick Nipmuc People appeared at the Morse Institute Library in Natick, MA, on May 30, 2019 for a conversation about the development of praying towns in 17th-century New England and how missionary work influenced national Indian policy and continues to perpetuate a myth of Indian extinction today. […]

Warren-Barrington Rotary learns about the Sowams Heritage Area Project

Members of the Warren-Barrington Rotary Club heard a presentation on the Sowams Heritage Area Project by Coordinator Dave Weed on May 28, 2019 at the Hometown Tavern where the group meets. Weed described how he became interested in learning about the local 17th century history of the area from Bristol to Providence and developed an […]

Ray and Dave meet with Jessica David at the RI Foundation

  Ray Two Hawks Watson (pictured with his children and a Roger Williams cutout), Pomham Sachem of the Mashapoag Tribe in Providence and Executive Director and Founder of the Providence Cultural Equity Initiative, and Dave Weed, Coordinator of the Sowams Heritage Area Project, met today with Jessica David, Executive Vice-President of Strategy & Community Investments […]